Are you amplifying your shopping mall’s performance?

Key points to what your shopping malls strategy needs to start focusing on

2020 was the year of massive disruption for shopping malls, it’s a fact none of us can ignore. You turn on the news, scroll through your feed, talk to friends and colleagues and time and time again the conversation comes up. To say we’re all giving our mall analytics a double take is an understatement. 

But is anyone asking themselves and their marketing teams what vision will not only get you all through this retail apocalypse, but what vision will position your shopping mall stronger than it was before?

Let’s rewind for a second. Stay with me. 

Chances are pre covid your malls revenue wasn’t exactly what you wanted it to be, for some it may not have been what it actually needed to be. But let’s be honest here, even if you were seeing healthy revenue growth and your shopping mall's marketing strategy was working, there’s always room for more. 

2019 business models weren’t positioned to catapult shoppers and malls 6 years into the digital future in a mere matter of months. You can think they were but chances are your mall is one of the many that are sinking right now if that is your mentality. 

Here’s a hard truth. We weren’t putting enough efforts into the digital customer experience, it was too simplistic. Simply existing online doesn’t give enough value to convince your shoppers to give you that loyalty we’re all fighting to obtain. 

Our mall strategies need to change, and quickly.  

Did you have a digital marketing plan? Better yet… DO YOU HAVE ONE NOW? 

This is the part where we can choose to falter down the Covid rabbit hole of regrets or we can look towards the future and truly maneuver not only our shopping malls but our shoppers through this new landscape. 

We need to focus on creating value based digital marketing strategy points that elevate the shopper experience. This is where opportunities are waiting. 

Let’s start with changing our perspectives. The brick and mortar shopping centres are essential, there I said it. Why? because you can’t ignore the in store touch points that build relationships. To ignore the obvious influx of shoppers that will be craving in person experience post covid is unrealistic and will go on the list of regrets quicker than you think. But let me ask you this… what if I told you that when a digital experience is combined, even mirrored with the in store environment that the same touch points can increase mall traffic both physically and digitally leading to growth in sales. 

This isn’t the hard part, it’s the uncomfortable part. Does your shopping mall treat the relationship between digital and physical as a team effort? Curating this relationship from a people focused approach is what leads to growth that’s not only current but also sustainable. 

I want you to think about this, start looking at your business with a new set of eyes that takes covid off the table. What is the future of retail? What direction do we need to take shoppers? How can we turn our shopping malls into a retail experience? Get innovative with this idea, because we can build it now and the old saying will ring true… “if we build it they will come!”. 

Keep an eye on our blog as we take you through this new landscape. 


Utilize Your Website


History of the Shopping Mall